The Fibreglassing Workshop with John Dickens is on the 20th Feb which is only next week! How quickly things come around....

Details for the workshop can be found on Retro Rides in THIS THREAD. There are only three places left though, so don't be too long in putting your name down.

Anyone coming along, PLEASE try and bring some wood/logs for the wood burner. Warmth is essential on these long playdays and any contribution of wood will help keep everyone from freezing.

See you all there this weekend.

16 January 2010

New addition to Area 52

Tuesday night saw the annual Retro Rides awards night at the Ace Cafe in London. The perfect time to mett up with & catch up with RR & Area 52 regulars.

I decided to tie in the trip with the collection of a new car for Area 52. I picked up Adam early on Tuesday morning and we headed to Tring in Hertfordshire where we collected and loaded the new car onto the trailer I had borrowed.

Next stop, the Ace Cafe for a slap up meal and long overdue catch-up. You can see the new ride on the trailer. A very unusual and very rare kit car called a Hustler 6....a six wheeled mini based car with lots of glass and mad 70's looks. We were the first to arrive at around 4.30pm...and we stayed until about 10.30pm

Jed wasn't allowed inside the Cafe so we stayed outside all night. Adam kindly brought me food & drink which was consumed in the back of the tat collecting Delica - with Jed supervising every bite.

During the night lots & lots of stuff was brought over to take back to Area 52. Loads & LOADS of technical manuals courtesy of Matt Jones, boxes of magazines from Si, JamesP, Steve and Rian...along with various wheels for me and other Area 52 regulars. The hardest job was loading it all.....but the RR collective came good and helped get everything loaded in the back of the empty Hustler and the rear of the Delica.

The turnout was amazing, especially for such a cold night. The best news; I won three awards. Most notably the RR Forum Person of the Year!!! I put this all down to Area 52 and the support given by everyone in keeping it going, so a big thank you must go out to all of you for helping make it happen.

Here's to 2010.....and thank you all again.

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